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Most Popular Disabled Public Domain Files:

Results: 151 - 180 of 260 total results
USAID support to Thanh Khe District Hospital
Clinic provides disabled vets pathway to paralympics
Clinic provides disabled vets pathway to paralympics
USAID support to Thanh Khe District Hospital
The power of the human spirit
Lajes Field Airmen help disabled French aircraft
The power of the human spirit
Assistant VA secretary, U.S. Olympians join veterans on ski slopes
Staff Sgt. Archibald Mathies
Envoy Highlights U.S. Development
USAID support to Thanh Khe District Hospital
Opening Ceremony
USAID support to Thanh Khe District Hospital
USAID support to Thanh Khe District Hospital
Organization reaches out to wounded warriors
2011 Warrior Games
Veteran hope
Disabled veteran trains for inaugural Warrior Games
Iraqi freedom
Tackling the slopes
Veteran hope
An Air Force veteran’s story: From combat controller to Paralympian
2011 Warrior Games
Disabled vets, troops compete in first Warrior Games
Lajes Field Airmen help disabled French aircraft
Winter rehabilitation clinic shows veterans potential
An Air Force veteran’s story: From combat controller to Paralympian
2011 Warrior Games
Captured inside the common area of a shopping mall
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