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Results: 1,861 - 1,890 of 1,958 total results
Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) of Curvularia l
This thick film micrograph depicts two P. vivax tr
This micrograph reveals the histologic changes in
Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a number of
This micrograph depicts Gram-positive C. difficile
This micrograph depicts an egg from a Hymenolepis
This micrograph depicts the histopathologic featur
This micrograph reveals the histopathologic change
This micrograph depicts the histopathologic change
A micrograph revealing histopathologic changes in
This micrograph revealed a number of P. falciparum
Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Malassezia f
This transmission electron micrograph (TEM) reveal
This highly magnified micrograph depicts the usual
This micrograph depicts the histopathologic featur
The preparation process that created this Giemsa s
Transmission electron micrograph of Bacillus anthr
Note the pinkish, elongated Plasmodium falciparum
This micrograph reveals the histopathologic change
This thick film Giemsa stained micrograph reveals
This thick film Giemsa stained micrograph shows a
This micrograph revealed the presence of three lep
This micrograph depicts the histopathologic change
This thick film micrograph depicts mature, and gro
This Giemsa stained micrograph is an example of th
Under a moderately-high magnification of 1155X, th
This unstained micrograph represents a reactive co
This thick film Giemsa stained micrograph reveals
This thick film Giemsa stained micrograph reveals
This thick film Giemsa stained micrograph reveals
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