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Most Popular Afghanistan Public Domain Files:

Results: 151 - 180 of 8,755 total results
Secretary Clinton Hosts a Working Dinner for President Karzai
Cruising Spirit
Veterinary care helps build relations with nomadic tribe
Secretary Clinton Shakes Hands With Honoree Shukria Asil
Warrior Wellness Program
110209sv Shah288
Determination, ingenuity prevail for Bagram Airmen
Panjshir reconstruction team bids farewell to fallen comrades
Fuel for fighters
IMG 9743
Jan. 11 marks 6,000 consecutive days in Southwest Asia
Ambassador Eikenberry
Air Force aids Army with medevac missions
DSC 4116
100522 ATVI Graduation 061
CENTAF airpower summary for Feb. 19
100525 Hirat Marble Conference 333
World wide wingman
Thanksgiving Day visit
Art of War
IMG 6277
Easy does it
Shura gives voice to women's role in Paktika
Feb. 17 airpower summary: A-10s protect ground forces
Meeting with Local Leaders in Kandahar
Ready to hunt
DSC 6881
DSC 6355
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