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Results: 121 - 150 of 221 total results
pine glen two
Servicemembers make a difference
Water and Bug Sampling
June 19, 2012 Collecting and Assessing Aquatic Plants in Hulls Lake in West Virginia
(Earlier photo) April 2011, EPA Diver collects sediment sample Wycoff Superfund Site
Students Inventoring Aquatic Insects
Pari of students kicking up insects
Learning about aquatic plant species
Students working their D-net
Acquired Acreage in Cherokee County, Kansas
Students looking into a D-net
Steve Chilton
 An abandoned pound net.  These are used to catch fish, but also entraps many turtles and aquatic birds.
June 20, 2012 Stream sampling in West Virginia
This structure at Wildwood Rrecreation Area near Mt. Hood lets visitors look below the surface of the creek water to observe fish and other aquatic life
American eel
Children and Nature, Greenhorn Park, Yreka, CA
Jenny Sanders helping students with net
American eel
Fishing for native aquatic species
Water survival training
Observation dock at Tifft Nature Preserve
James spinymussel (Pleurobema collina) found during sream survey in Virginia
 A mute swan (Cygnus olor)  foraging. The mute swan is an invasive species that is considered one of Chesapeake Bay's most harmful species as they edge out other waterfowl and destroy aquatic vegetation.
Marsilea vestita  Clover fern  Pond in the Pleasant Valley Table  Owyhee field office  Wildflower, fern, aquatic
Water survival training
2006 Guam Special Olympics
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