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Results: 181 - 210 of 221 total results
Hey, it's wet in here...
Sampling aquatic macro invertabrates in Douglas Creek.
 Searching for submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV's) in the Tred Avon River. Part of an annual Bay-wide ground-truthing effort.
Sampling aquatic macro invertabrates in Douglas Creek.
Water survival training
Proud of the Catch
Jenny Sanders helping students with kick seine
Student pointing out a macroinvertebrate
American eel
brushy two
Students work to identify macroinvertebrates
Student checking rock for insects
IMG 0496
Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Full Rake
Napa Creek is 'storm ready'
Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Sediment sampling near shore in the Gulf.
395 008 003
James spinymussel
Third Graders Participate in the Duck Race during the Fish Fun Fair Annual Event at the Creston National Fish Hatchery
 Horned pondweed - Zannichellia palustrus - growth usually peaks in June and begins covering the beaches.  Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) provides food  and habitat for a wide variety of biota, but has been in serious decline for the last several deca
Mussel release outreach event
Jeff Hutchinson
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