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Results: 91 - 120 of 221 total results
An illustration of a Mansonia mosquito larva attac
American eel
 Clam dredging - although maintaining the tradition of the Chesapeake waterman, this harvesting method further stresses submerged aquatic vegetation.
 Back finger of a tidal pond full of the submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) Eurasian watermilfoil.
July 26, 2012 At the mouth of the Elwha River
Atlantic salmon sac fry in habitat
The first of the season...
Power Dam and Associated Building
Student checking his D-net for macroinvertebrates
Time to run.
South River in Virginia
Illustration of other aquatic insect larvae illust
American Eel
Electrofishing survey on the Pigg River
MTV visits Fairchild Air Force Base
turtle & frog
OSM Director Joseph Pizarchik Using a View Tube to Observe Mussels in Indian Creek
fragrant water lily
Veterans Memorial Park Dam
Pair of students checking their D-net
Pair of students check their D-net
July 12, 2013 - Excess nutrients can cause thick, green muck that pollutes the water
Sheepnose mussel
Macon County students entering the creek
Students drive fish into a seine
Snuffbox mussel
Jenny Sanders helps students find macroinvertebrates
Students point out a caddisfly
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