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Most Popular Birdwatching Public Domain Files:

Results: 1 - 30 of 84 total results
Sandhill Crane in Flight
Bald Eagle
Ring-necked Pheasant
A Crow Flying With an Egg in its Mouth!
Visitors observe Nature Trail signs
Juvenile Bald Eagle
Red-winged Blackbird in Flight
A Pair of Cinnamon Teal
A river full of education
A Readhead Hen Swimming with her Babies
Wilson's Phalarope in Flight
Kites in Flight 2012
Sparrow Perched on Marsh Grass
Ruddy Duck in Flight
Northern Shoveler Hen and Drake
Gray Jay
Birding on the Prairie
Birdwatching is one of the ways people enjoy the w
A Flock of Waterfowl Flying Above the Refuge buildings
Marbled Godwit
A Brewer's Blackbird Perched in a Woody Bush
Canada Geese
Northern Shoveler Hen
A Flock of Snow Geese on the Refuge
Western Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Yellow-headed Blackbird Perched on a Cattail
Cinnamon Teal Hen and Drake
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