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Results: 1 - 30 of 86 total results
The U.S. Capitol Dome
Iron Foundry of Janes & Kirtland Used to Cast Iron for Dome
U.S. Capitol Dome
Statue of Freedom with flag flying over US House of Representatives
Tulip Tree in Bloom
Capitol Dome Restoration - Scaffolding Work on Peristyle Mid-June 2014
Rain on Capitol Hill May 12, 2014
Capitol Dome Restoration - Scaffolding Work Early June 2014
Capitol Dome at Twilight
Capitol Dome Restoration - Scaffolding Work on Peristyle Mid-June 2014
Elevation of Tholos of Capitol Dome and Statue of Freedom
Capitol Dome Restoration - Scaffolding Work Early June 2014
U.S. Capitol Dome and Full Moon
Capitol at Dawn May 20, 2014
U.S. Capitol Dome Damage in Need of Repair
U.S. Capitol Dome Damage in Need of Repair
U.S. Capitol Dome Damage in Need of Repair
U.S. Capitol Dome in Snow
Good morning from Capitol Hill. #dc #capitoldome
Olmsted lantern c. 1870s and Capitol on bright blue day in Washington
Golden November Sunset on the Capitol
#CapitolDome at dusk, Friday evening in #DC.
Capitol Dome Restoration - Scaffolding Work Early June 2014
Capitol Dome Restoration - Scaffolding Work on Peristyle Mid-June 2014
Capitol Dawn May 28, 2014
Capitol Dome Restoration - Scaffolding Work Early June 2014
Capitol Dome Restoration - Scaffolding Work on Peristyle Mid-June 2014
Capitol Dome Restoration - Scaffolding Work Early June 2014
Capitol Dome Restoration - Scaffolding Work on Peristyle Mid-June 2014
Capitol Dome Restoration - Scaffolding Work Early June 2014
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