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Most Popular Capitolgrounds Public Domain Files:

Results: 1 - 30 of 49 total results
Capitol Reflecting Pool
Springtime on the Capitol Grounds
Cherry Blossoms in Bloom in Senate Park
1874 Plan for the U.S. Capitol Grounds by Frederick Law Olmsted
Capitol Christmas Tree 2010
Frederick Law Olmsted
Star Magnolia blooms on Capitol grounds
Panorama of West Front of Capitol
Robert A. Taft Memorial and Carillion
Olmsted Hardscapes on the U.S. Capitol Grounds
Olmsted Hardscapes
Peace Monument
The Ulysses S. Grant Memorial
Spring at the U.S. Capitol
U.S. Capitol and Olmsted Hardscapes
Forsythia in bloom
Bartholdi Fountain
Bartholdi Park
U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree - 1964
Olmsted lantern c. 1870s and Capitol on bright blue day in Washington
Bumblebee in Bartholdi Park
Daffodils on the Capitol Grounds
View of Capitol from Bartholdi Park
Bumblebee Flying to Lavender
The Summerhouse in Spring
Daffodils on Capitol West Terrace
Capitol Christmas Tree 2011
Capitol on first day of spring 2013
Capitol Building with Snow Dusting March 2013
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