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Most Popular Center Public Domain Files:

Results: 1 - 30 of 8,467 total results
Women running on treadmills
This image was captured on one of the Centers for
Here, CDC employee, Terry Giles (left), was shown
Quantum Computing; Ion Trapping
Physician and patient
Sunset Raptor
This image was captured on one of the Centers for
Close Button
This image showed Robyn Morgan, of the National Ce
This 2005 photograph, taken at a CDC blood pressur
Officials offer tips to help children develop healthy habits
Friendly customer service
This image depicts a group of healthcare workers s
This 2000 photograph, provided by Chris Zahniser,
Judas Tadeu o Chefe de Cozinha
This image depicts a group of healthcare workers s
Connie Alfred (left), of the National Center for I
This 2007 photograph depicts CDC Guest Researcher,
A group of people meeting
Super Car Tour
This image depicts a group of healthcare workers s
This image was captured on one of the Centers for
This image depicts two Centers for Disease Control
Under high magnification, this photomicrograph rev
Airmen purchase, deliver food for Osh
These health care workers were attending a trainin
This 1947 photograph was provided by the Center fo
House Chamber
This image depicts two people who'd met on a Cente
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