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Results: 1 - 30 of 266 total results
Aerial View of Folsom Dam Auxiliary Spillway
America’s Great Outdoors event at the Effie Yeaw Nature Center
Aerial View of Folsom Dam Auxiliary Spillway
Surveying for crane placement at the Folsom JFP auxiliary spillway
Englebright Lake
Phase IV Contractors Visit Construction Site
Linda flooding 1986
Napa Creek habitat restoration
Storm water pollution prevention plan at the Folsom JFP auxiliary spillway
Folsom Dam Auxiliary Spillway Construction Aug. 12, 2011
Old Folsom Dam Road
Evaluating the Folsom Dam auxiliary spillway foundation
Maj. Gen. Michael Walsh tours Folsom Dam auxiliary spillway
Rebar before concrete
New pedestrian bridge last major phase of Corps’ Napa Creek project
Excavation and rock reinforcement continues at Folsom Joint Federal Project
Truckee River in Reno.jpg
Corps moves forward with Marysville Ring Levee project
Excavation at the Folsom auxiliary spillway
Excavation in the shear zone of the Folsom Dam auxiliary spillway
Auxiliary Spillway progress surges forward
America’s Great Outdoors event at the Effie Yeaw Nature Center
Hiram W. Johnson High School  students visit Folsom Dam auxiliary spillway
America’s Great Outdoors event at the Effie Yeaw Nature Center
Sacramento River
America’s Great Outdoors event at the Effie Yeaw Nature Center
Cranes erected at the Folsom auxiliary spillway
Auxiliary Spillway progress surges forward
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