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 Plastic sandwich baggy floating in the water column.  Fish that feed on various salps, jelly-fish, etc. mistake such trash for food and can ingest this with fatal consequences. Compare to images reef2130, reef0859, and reef0556.
This digitally-colorized scanning electron microgr
Under a high magnification of 8000X, this scanning
NIDA MTF2013 Infographic F
Two children hiking in the woods
Provided by the Center for Disease Control's (CDC)
Provided by the Center for Disease Control's (CDC)
U.S. Improves LESCO’s Capacity to Reduce Load-Shedding
This scanning electron micrograph (SEM) revealed s
From 1958, this historical image was provided by t
Provided by the Center for Disease Control's (CDC)
Provided by the Center for Disease Control's (CDC)
This historical image was provided by the Center f
This historical image was provided by the Center f
This historical image was provided by the Center f
Under a high magnification of 8000X, this scanning
This 1947 historical photograph was provided by th
This historical image was provided by the Center f
This historical image was provided by the Center f
This historical image was provided by the Center f
Depicted here in this historic image, was a report
Provided by the Center for Disease Control's (CDC)
This historical image was provided by the Center f
Provided by the Center for Disease Control's (CDC)
This historical image was provided by the Center f
This historical image was provided by the Center f
Provided by the Center for Disease Control's (CDC)
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