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Most Popular Coxcorridors Public Domain Files:

Results: 1 - 30 of 84 total results
The Mayflower Compact, 1620
The First Federal Congress, 1789
Theodore Roosevelt, circa 1904
Boston Tea Party
Civil Rights Bill Passes, 1866
Boone at Cumberland Gap
Golden Spike
Lincoln's Second Inaugural, 1865
The Constitutional Convention, 1787
Iron Foundry, circa 1850
Louisiana Purchase, 1803
Clearing Land
Pierre Charles L'Enfant
Pony Express
Sod House
Lewis and Clark
Alaskan Purchase, 1867
The First Thirteen Colonies
The First Continental Congress, 1774
Women's Suffrage Parade, 1917
Stalking Deer
The Declaration of Independence, 1776
Annapolis, 1783
Covered Wagons
The Monroe Doctrine, 1823
Fur Trade
Sandwich Islands
Island Dance
New York, 1785
Capitol Cornerstone Ceremony - 1793
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