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Most Popular Disease Public Domain Files:

Results: 1 - 30 of 1,795 total results
Women running on treadmills
Party in the intestines
Feverish woman
This image was captured on one of the Centers for
This 1960 historic photograph depicted a nurse car
Here, CDC employee, Terry Giles (left), was shown
Physician and patient
This image was captured on one of the Centers for
This 2006 photograph depicted a lateral view of an
This image showed Robyn Morgan, of the National Ce
This 2006 photograph depicted a frontal view of an
This 2005 photograph, taken at a CDC blood pressur
From the 'Illustrated Manual for the Recognition a
This image depicts a group of healthcare workers s
This 2000 photograph, provided by Chris Zahniser,
This image depicts a group of healthcare workers s
This 2007 photograph depicts the pathognomonic ery
Connie Alfred (left), of the National Center for I
This historic diagram, which had been digitally en
This image depicts a person with diabetes in the f
A group of people meeting
This 2006 photograph depicted a lateral view of an
This historic image depicted a gathering of Carvil
This image depicts a group of healthcare workers s
This image was captured on one of the Centers for
Close-up of a bedbug
The blacklegged ticks, I. pacificus, (depicted her
This image depicts two Centers for Disease Control
An infant receiving a Polio vaccination
These health care workers were attending a trainin
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