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Results: 61 - 90 of 517 total results
Capitol Dome Restoration Work 1959-1960
Disappearing Dome on a foggy #dc morning.
U.S. Capitol Dome in Snow
Capitol Dome Restoration - Rotunda Interior Protection
Preparing Capitol Grounds for Capitol Dome Restoration
Capitol Dome Restoration - Rotunda Interior Protection
Preparing Capitol Grounds for Capitol Dome Restoration
Dome Restoration Project - Interstitial Preparations for Rotunda Canopy
Freedom and Supermoon
U.S. Capitol Dome Section. Drawing by Thomas Walter, 1859
 NSSL's first research Doppler Weather Radar.  Radar dish in the foreground. Triangular panels of protective fiberglass radar dome in the background.
Capitol Dome Restoration - Rotunda Interior Protection
B-52 bomber and simulator
Construction of Capitol Dome Nearing Completion
U.S. Capitol in May
Capitol in mourning following death of Abraham Lincoln 1865
Forsythia in bloom
Dwarf Bear Poppy
Bartholdi Park
Capitol Dome Restoration: What it Takes
Original Design for Statue of Freedom
Capitol Dome Restoration - Scaffolding Work Early June 2014
Clark Mills's Foundry
Capitol Dome Restoration - Scaffolding Work on Peristyle Mid-June 2014
Capitol Building Center with Freedom and the Dome
New Dome Symbolizes Union, 1863
428 001 005
HWCTR steam generator
476 007 011
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