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Results: 1 - 30 of 108 total results
Sharks visit EPA dive site in Alaska
August 9, 2011 Comb jellies (ctenophores) are predators of larval fish
August 9, 2011 Comb jellies and tiny zooplankton!
August 5, 2011 Up close with algae and other miniature oceanic life forms
August 2009, Bold Sighting by Fort Popham, Phippsburg Maine
August 2009, Early risers at Popham catch a glimpse of the Bold in the lifting fog
August 7, 2011 Watching as we head into rougher seas off Cape Porpoise, Maine
August 9, 2011 Sunset over the port side of the Bold
Studying Coral Health in St. Thomas, USVI
August 9, 2011 Sunrise zooplankton tow
Divers need to eat! EPA Region 10 Dive 40 year anniversary 1970-2010
September 26, 2011 EPA tests water quality in Indian Creek, Kansas City, MO
August 5, 2011 Bold Tech sets up the rosette water sampler
Monitoring Water Quality from the OSV Bold
November 16, 2011 Name that book!
Color the Bold!
August 5, 2011 Friday night plankton tow!
American Lobster, Gloucester, Massachusetts
July 2009, Watching the sun rise and set from the bow of the ship... breathtaking.
August 2009, lobster boat in Casco Bay, Maine
August 2009, Deploying the CTD
Not your average convention!
Myoxocephalus Scorpius, more commonly known as the shorthorn sculpin! Folly Cove, Massachusetts
September 26, 2011 EPA partners with Blue River Watershed Association for Children's Health Month
Sampling Underwater
August 5, 2011 Practicing safety on the OSV Bold
Up close with an underwater cap, Wykoff Superfund Site, Puget Sound, Washington.
August 5, 2011 Should you ever have to abandon ship, assume this position!
August 9, 2011 From sea or space?
August 2009, View of Fort Popham from the deck of the Bold
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