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Results: 1 - 30 of 273 total results
Controlled burn at Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge
Happy Angler
Controlled burn at Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge
Scientists in the Community Program
Scientists in the Community Program
California Red-legged frog by Flo Gardipee
Vernal Pool fairy shrimp
Back View of Unit I
Smoke plume from a controlled burn at Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge
Heat waves during an Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge controlled burn
New England cottontail habitat
Burn boss
Cleaning river sediment deposited by Hurricane Irene flood waters
New England cottontail
California Tiger Salamander
Researcher inspects gray bat for signs of WNS
Picking Waterchestnuts
Scientists in the Community Program
Hurricane Irene damage to road, homes in Bethel, VT
Controlled burn in grassland
Dead fish, sediment after Hurricane Irene flood event
Scientists in the Community Program
Firefighter with drip torch and hand tool
New England cottontail
Cluster of gray bats
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