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Results: 1 - 30 of 242 total results
 Plastic sandwich baggy floating in the water column.  Fish that feed on various salps, jelly-fish, etc. mistake such trash for food and can ingest this with fatal consequences. Compare to images reef2130, reef0859, and reef0556.
Root Beer Float
#18 - U.S. Supports Hammerhead Shark Proposals
Awesome and stunning sunset
Geometry 1
Sunset in manila bay 6
Blue moon jellyfish
Pebbles and river
Geometry 4
Grand entrance
 The great Mississippi River flood of 1927. Train backed into flooded area and boats floated off. C&GS officers took part in rescue efforts
Blue jellyfish
Sunset in my hometown 3
Floating lanterns
During this young boy's day out to the lake with h
Sunset in manila bay 3
Levitating apples
Floating around
An illustration from Jules Verne's novel 'A Floating City' (1869) drawn by Jules Férat. Polski:  Ilustracja powieści Juliusza Verne'a 'Pływające miasto' (1869) autorstwa Julesa Férata. Français :  Jules Verne: 'Une Ville flottante' (1869),
magician and floating lady
Antarctica's Ross Sea
A float plane landing on Blackfish Lake
Brown Pelican
An illustration from Jules Verne's novel 'A Floating City' (1869) drawn by Jules Férat. Polski:  Ilustracja powieści Juliusza Verne'a 'Pływające miasto' (1869) autorstwa Julesa Férata. Français :  Jules Verne: 'Une Ville flottante' (1869),
 This tiny spiny puffer fish was caught in a neuston net tow.  Many juvenile fish  live in clumps of sargassum weed, a type of marine algae that lives its whole life floating at the oceans surface.
An illustration from Jules Verne's novel 'A Floating City' (1869) drawn by Jules Férat. Polski:  Ilustracja powieści Juliusza Verne'a 'Pływające miasto' (1869) autorstwa Julesa Férata. Français :  Jules Verne: 'Une Ville flottante' (1869),
Adelie Penguins Explode From the Water
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