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Results: 721 - 750 of 765 total results
Chris Domina
Ed Darlington
Chris Smith
Predicting the weather
A replica of the Rabbit Mine 1926 stamp mill near Greenhorn in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon.  It is used to interpret the importance of mining in western history, and the relationship of gold mining to the westward migration story.
Unsung Heroes White River NFH staff
A replica of the Rabbit Mine 1926 stamp mill near Greenhorn in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon.  It is used to interpret the importance of mining in western history, and the relationship of gold mining to the westward migration story.
A replica of the Rabbit Mine 1926 stamp mill near Greenhorn in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon.  It is used to interpret the importance of mining in western history, and the relationship of gold mining to the westward migration story.
A replica of the Rabbit Mine 1926 stamp mill near Greenhorn in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon.  It is used to interpret the importance of mining in western history, and the relationship of gold mining to the westward migration story.
Ed Darlington
A replica of the Rabbit Mine 1926 stamp mill near Greenhorn in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon.  It is used to interpret the importance of mining in western history, and the relationship of gold mining to the westward migration story.
Gold Fields & Poverty Clover (Trifolium depauperatum) at Lower Table Rock.
Secretary Lew welcomes the King and Queen of Sweden to the Treasury Department
Regional 2011 Storm Season Restoration Crew
Barry Parrish
The sun turning the Terry Badlands to gold
Gold mining.
Kofi Fynn-Aikins
Janis Nepshinsky
Sheep drive on Shelf Road along the Gold Belt National Back Country Byway.
Laura Perlick
Regional 2011 Storm Season Restoration Crew
Northeast Region Employee Appreciation Awards
Kathryn Whitacre
Dale Aubin
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