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Results: 1 - 30 of 134 total results
Great blue heron (adult)
Great Blue Heron
 Juvenile great blue heron (?) sitting in a roadside marsh.
Great Blue Heron on nest in a rookery in the prair
great blue heron in the marsh
Green Heron
Night heron
American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus)
Blue heron with young one in a nest.
 Green heron in alert, ready-to-take-flight mode.
Tricolored Heron, J.N. 'Ding' Darling NWR
Demo teams receive 2010 certification
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, J.N. 'Ding' Darling NWR
Controlled Burn Maintains Field
Great blue heron on Seedskadee NWR 01
Great Blue Heron on the Wild section of the Rogue River from Grave Creek to Foster Bar.  3100 cfs at Grants Pass and 5300 at Agness.
Great Blue Heron on the Wild section of the Rogue River from Grave Creek to Foster Bar.  3100 cfs at Grants Pass and 5300 at Agness.
Heron perched on top of bush along the John Day River.
A great blue heron waits for his dinner on Marylan
 Great blue heron perched on a pier piling.
Anaho Island National Wildlife Refuge
Bender WPA
Black Crowned Night Heron
Green heron in a pothole wetland.
 Footprints in the sand.  A Great Blue Heron has left its tracks here along the river.  Compare the sand texture in this picture to the previous image.
yellow-crowned night heron ...
Great blue heron - Toppenish NWR
Great Blue Heron
Green heron
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