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Most Popular Hospital Public Domain Files:

Results: 1 - 30 of 1,515 total results
Florence Nightingale
Nurse with patient
Taking blood pressure
A surgeon with boy patient
A doctor and a female patient
licensed practical nurse
Hand holding a stethoscope
nursing lamp
Physician and patient
Illustration of a nurse
clinical nurse
Doctor P.
Syringe icon
Architetto -- siringa
Medicine and a Stethoscope
Illustration of a nurse symbol
Illustration of a nurse
Doctor with female patient
Illustration of a doctor
Nurse giving an injection
nurse triage
Nurse and immunization patient
Depicted in this historic image was one of the Car
This photograph depicted the Carville, Louisiana L
Nurse administering a vaccination
This was one of the beautiful flower gardens that
No bullies allowed
An infant receiving a Polio vaccination
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