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Most Popular Hurricaneirene Public Domain Files:

Results: 1 - 30 of 159 total results
Cyrus Brame cleaning gutters
Clearing the debris
Debris on Beach Road
Cleaning river sediment deposited by Hurricane Irene flood waters
Hurricane Irene damage to road, homes in Bethel, VT
Dead fish, sediment after Hurricane Irene flood event
Damage at White River NFH - Bethel, VT
Damage at White River NFH - Bethel, VT
Dan Ashe at a tree planting event
Dead fish after Hurricane Irene flood event
Dead fish after Hurricane Irene flood event
River sediment carried by Hurricane Irene flood waters deposited on White River National Fish Hatchery grounds
River sediment deposited on White River National Fish Hatchery grounds
Dan Ashe hears about the work of the Partners program in Vermont
Dead fish, sediment after Hurricane Irene flood event
Wade Jodun, Dan Ashe & Ken  Gillette
Salmon in circular fish rearing pool at White River National Fish Hatchery
Service Director Dan Ashe with a lamprey attached to his arm!
Happy Regional Office staff
Dan Ashe, Jan Rowan Northeast Fish Passage Coordinator, Town Selectman Larry Strauss and Steve Roy from the US Forest Service
High water mark on circular pool
Dan Ashe, Joe Bertrand & Wendi Weber
Dead fish after Hurricane Irene flood event
Hurricane Irene damage to road, homes in Bethel, VT
Tropical Storm Irene damage
White River National Fish Hatchery facilities and roads were damaged
Equipment and facilities were damaged
USFWS technician with Atlantic salmon
Evidence of flood levels on hatchery fence
USFWS technician sorting fish
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