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Most Popular Labs Public Domain Files:

Results: 1 - 30 of 1,051 total results
Researcher using petri dish
Lab icon 1
Scientist with erlenmeyer flask
Lab icon 3
Scientist fills test tubes
This 2007 photograph depicts CDC Guest Researcher,
A closer look
Lab icon 2
This image depicts two Centers for Disease Control
Under high magnification, this photomicrograph rev
Scientist with erlenmeyer flask
Lab icon 4
Summer lab gives cadets engineering experience
This CDC laboratory worker, wearing a protective s
Lab icon 6
This photograph showed a CDC scientist as she was
Summer lab gives cadets engineering experience
Black Lab
Lab icon 3
Lab icon 4
Summer lab gives cadets engineering experience
Laboratory microscope
509 003 001
440 069 001
Chemical Flasks
Training as a fellow in the CDC's Respiratory Dise
389 012 005
Gas cylinder grey and dark green, high pressure for Argon
440 073 001
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