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Most Popular Munichsecurityconference Public Domain Files:

Results: 1 - 30 of 44 total results
Secretary Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Shake Hands
Secretary Kerry Shakes Hands With Qatari Foreign Minister al-Attiyah at Munich Security Conference
Quartet Members Pose For Photo Before Meetings in Sidelines of Munich Security Conference
Secretary Kerry Meets With Ukrainian Opposition Leaders in Munich
Quartet Members Meet on Sidelines of Munich Security Conference
Secretary Kerry Poses for a Photo With Ukranian Opposition Leaders in Munich
Secretary Kerry Meets UDAR Party's Klychko Before Session with Ukranian Opposition Leaders
Secretary Kerry Meets With Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu at Munich Security Conference
Secretary Kerry Shares a Laugh After Briefing Congressional Delegation at Munich Security Conference
Secretary Clinton Holds a Bilateral Meeting With British Prime Minister Cameron
Secretary Clinton Shakes Hands With Afghan President Karzai
Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks
Secretary Clinton Holds a Bilateral Meeting With Afghan President Karzai
Secretary Kerry Prepares for a Meeting with EU High Representative Ashton
Secretary Clinton and British Prime Minister Cameron Are Welcomed to the Munich Conference By German Diplomat Ischinger
Secretaries Kerry, Hagel Before Joint Panel Discussion at Munich Security Conference
Secretary Kerry Poses for Group Photo With State Department Team in Germany
Secretary Clinton Holds a Bilateral Meeting With Azerbaijan Foreign Minister Mammadyarov
Secretaries Kerry, Hagel Participate in a Joint Panel Discussion
Secretary Clinton Holds a Bilateral Meeting With German Foreign Minister Westerwelle
Secretary Kerry Meets With Ukranian Foreign Minister Kozhara at Munich Security Conference
Secretary Kerry Addresses 50th Munich Security Conference
U.S.-Turkish Delegations Meet on Margins of Munich Security Conference
Secretary Kerry Meets With Qatari Foreign Minister al-Attiyah
Secretary Kerry Chats With Representatives Sensenbrenner and Sanchez at Munich Security Conference
Secretary Kerry Addresses the 50th Munich Security Conference
Secretary Clinton Holds a Bilateral Meeting With French Foreign Minister Alliot-Marie
Secretary Clinton Responds to Questions
Quartet Members Gather on Sidelines of Munich Security Council
Secretary Kerry Shows Gratitude to Employees who Helped Support the Munich Security Conference
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