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Most Popular Prescribedburn Public Domain Files:

Results: 1 - 30 of 104 total results
Controlled burn at Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge
Controlled burn at Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge
Knecht WPA Prescribed Fire
Overseeing a Prescribed Fire
Where There's Smoke...
Smoke plume from a controlled burn at Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge
Controlled Burn Maintains Field
Firefighter Lighting a Prescribed Fire
TNC Firefighter at Patuxent Research Refuge
Heat waves during an Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge controlled burn
Breathing Fire Back into the Land
New England cottontail habitat
Burn boss
Knecht WPA Prescribed Fire
Knecht WPA Prescribed Fire
Grassland Field after Controlled Burn
Successful Controlled Burn
New England cottontail
Controlled burn in grassland
Lundgren WPA Prescribed Fire
Firefighter with drip torch and hand tool
New England cottontail
Black Line
Finding New England cottontails
New England cottontail
New England cottontail burrow
Prescribed fire, April 2010
Finding New England cottontails
Drip Torches
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