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Most Popular President Public Domain Files:

Results: 8,941 - 8,970 of 8,979 total results
President Obama at the ASEAN-U.S. Leaders' Meeting
Secretary Clinton Attends Luncheon Hosted By Colombian President Uribe
Secretary Clinton Is Greeted By Republic of Korea President Lee Myung-bak
Secretary Clinton Is Greeted By Afghan President Karzai
Secretary Kerry Bids Farewell to Pakistani Chief of Army Staff General Kayani
President Obama and Afghan President Karzai Deliver Remarks
Secretary Kerry Watches the Pakistani Delegation Depart
Secretary Clinton Departs a Meeting
Secretary Clinton Is Greeted By Ukrainian President Yanukovych
Secretary Kerry Addresses Embassy Kabul Staff
Secretary Clinton Departs the Presidential Palace
A solemn journey
Secretary Clinton With Azerbaijani President Aliyev
Secretary Kerry Chats With Democratic Republic of Congo President Kabila
Ambassador Shapiro Prepares To Present His Credentials
Air Force band plays final tribute for President Ford
President Obama Visits Gyengbok Palace
Secretary Clinton Meets With Afghan President Karzai
President Obama Visits the National Mosque of Malaysia
Secretary Clinton Meets With Israeli President
Secretary Kerry Listens to Reporter's Question During News Conference in Juba
Presidents Obama and Aquino III at the Arrival Ceremony in Manila
Secretary Clinton Introduces Vice President Biden
Secretary Kerry Meets With Members of South Sudanese Civil Society
Secretary Clinton Meets With Kyrgyz President Otunbaeva
Secretary Clinton Holds a Bilateral With President of the Marshall Islands Iroij Jurelang Zedkaia
Secretary Clinton Attends Luncheon Hosted By Colombian President
Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at Boeing Shanghai Aviation Services
Secretary Kerry Addresses Reporters After Meeting With President Kabila of Democratic Republic of Congo
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