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Most Popular Region6 Public Domain Files:

Results: 1 - 30 of 56 total results
Sandhill Crane in Flight
Bald Eagle
Ring-necked Pheasant
A Crow Flying With an Egg in its Mouth!
Juvenile Bald Eagle
Red-winged Blackbird in Flight
A Pair of Cinnamon Teal
A Readhead Hen Swimming with her Babies
Wilson's Phalarope in Flight
Sparrow Perched on Marsh Grass
Ruddy Duck in Flight
A Flock of Waterfowl Flying Above the Refuge buildings
Marbled Godwit
A Brewer's Blackbird Perched in a Woody Bush
A Flock of Snow Geese on the Refuge
Yellow-headed Blackbird Perched on a Cattail
Yellow-bellied Marmots
Coyote in the Bushes
Willet Standing on the Shore of the Marsh
Black-necked Stilt
Eared Grebe Out for a Swim
Montana Arctic Grayling
Fisheries and Refuges; a team approach to resource conservation.
A tub-o-beauty...
Great Falls STEM Expo
Moving on up.
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