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Most Popular Robertoblake Public Domain Files:

Results: 1 - 30 of 71 total results
Assistant Secretary Blake Speaks With Ethnic Uzbek Women
Assistant Secretary Blake Hosts a Brown Bag Lunch With Brookings President Strobe Talbott
Assistant Secretary Blake Discusses U.S. Assistance
Assistant Secretary Blake Speaks With Refugees in Uzbekistan
Assistant Secretary Blake Commemorates the First Day of School in Tajikistan
Assistant Secretary Blake and Charge d'Affairs Ordway Participate in a Media Roundtable
Secretary Clinton, Under Secretary Burns, and Assistant Secretary Blake Meet With Indian Foreign Secretary Rao
Assistant Secretary Blake Holds a Press Conference
Assistant Secretary Blake and Senior Advisor for Education Dr. Teas Chair the Higher Education Roundtable
The United States and Uzbekistan Engage in Discussions
Assistant Secretary Blake Holds a Press Conference
Assistant Secretary Blake Visits Refugee Camp in Uzbekistan
Assistant Secretary Blake Attends an Iftar in Tajikistan
Assistant Secretary Blake Leads Official Delegation to First Annual Bilateral Consultations With Turkmenistan Government
Behind the Scenes: Assistant Secretary Blake Visits Tajikistan
Assistant Secretary Blake Responds to Reporters’ Questions
Assistant Secretary Blake and Senior Advisor for Education Dr. Teas Chair the Higher Education Roundtable
Assistant Secretary Blake Leads U.S. Government-Interagency Delegation to U.S.-Tajikistan Annual BIlateral Consultations
Assistant Secretary Blake Responds to a Question
Secretary Clinton, Under Secretary Burns, and Assistant Secretary Blake Meet With Indian Foreign Secretary Rao
Assistant Secretary Blake Shakes Hands With Bangladeshi Foreign Secretary Mijarul Quayes
Assistant Secretary Blake Leads U.S. Government-Interagency Delegation to U.S.-Tajikistan Annual BIlateral Consultations
Secretary Clinton With Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs Staff
Assistant Secretary Blake Participates in a Ramadan Celebration in Tajikistan
Assistant Secretary Blake Visits Tajikistan
Participants Contribute to the Discussion
Assistant Secretary Blake and Charge d'Affairs Ordway Participate in a Media Roundtable
Secretary Clinton Shows Her Gratitude to Assistant Secretary Blake
Assistant Secretary Blake Takes a Question
Assistant Secretary Blake Holds a Press Conference
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