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Most Popular Tide Public Domain Files:

Results: 1 - 30 of 151 total results
 Aerial photograph. Magnificent braided river delta with red and green  flora showing at low tide.
 Kelp-covered granite at low tide.
 A sea star left on the beach after the tide receded.
Sea shell on beach
 A sand dollar shell left on the beach after the tide receded.
 A muskrat hut in a middle Patuxent river marsh.  Observed at a very low tide. Early in the year so marsh grasses aren't too tall yet.
Strong current
Cackler Family Flock Camp Location
Barnacle-covered Radiator
 Tide pool with mussels below Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse.
 Aerial photograph. A tidal stream and what appear to be its fresh-water tributaries seen at low tide in an estuary.
Bavon Beach project
 Uncovered reef flat with intervening channels at low tide on the Guam coastline.
 Black sand and cobble beach on Kodiak Island with pier at low tide. Alaska Peninsula mountains are seen in background.
 Aerial photograph. Near mirror-like reflectivity in Doran Strait.  This image junctions with the previous image (line5081) and shows two glaciers as well as offshore shoals uncovering at low tide.
Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge- Oct. 28 (RI)
 Fox looking for meal at low tide.
 A full moon portends spring tides and clamming season.
Southern california sunset
 The tide staff at Skamokawa - a ghost town on the Lower Columbia River
 Brandywine Shoal Lighthouse seen at low tide in Delaware Bay.
 Aerial photograph. A rectangular lake, majestic mountains, the low tide line approximately 20 feet vertically below the logs and debris marking high tide.
 Tidal stream at low tide showing parallel ripple pattern in deeper areas versus hummocky pattern in shallower areas.  Parallel ripples form perpendicular  to tidal flow.
 Birch Island beach showing gradation of sediment from coarse pebbles to sand as one moves up from the shoreline.  Seaweed is evident along 'rack' line showing furthest extent of normal high tide.  Wildflower seeds float in on algae and take root helpin
People venture outside Keesler shelters
 Rocks, surf, fog, seaweed, and tide pools at Ecola State Park.
American avocets in non-breeding plumage check out newly-dredged channels
 St. Mary's College of Maryland student investigating the various seaweeds and invertebrates found in Massachusetts tide pools.
 Aerial photograph. Low tide in Chugach Bay showing red and green algae covered rocks with driftwood littering the high tide line.
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