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Seized ivory slated for destruction in the crush.
Confiscated ivory jewelry slated for destruction in the crush.
Before sunrise crews began loading ivory which FWS seized during undercover investigations of organized smuggling operations or confiscating at the U.S. border over the past 25 years.
Steve Oberholtzer, USFWS assembling ivory tusks on a tower for display before crushing
Steve Oberholtzer, USFWS Special Agent in Charge, Office of Law Enforcement discussing the ivory trafficking with reporters.
The crusher in action as it pulverizes the ivory
Kristin Bauer, actress and IFAW Ambassador, speaks at the U.S. Ivory Crush.
The Crusher Has Arrived!
Crushing continued until dusk
Before sunrise crews began loading ivory which FWS seized during undercover investigations of organized smuggling operations or confiscating at the U.S. border over the past 25 years.
Before sunrise crews began loading ivory which FWS seized during undercover investigations of organized smuggling operations or confiscating at the U.S. border over the past 25 years.
Before sunrise crews began loading ivory which FWS seized during undercover investigations of organized smuggling operations or confiscating at the U.S. border over the past 25 years.
Before sunrise crews began loading ivory which FWS seized during undercover investigations of organized smuggling operations or confiscating at the U.S. border over the past 25 years.
Before sunrise crews began loading ivory which FWS seized during undercover investigations of organized smuggling operations or confiscating at the U.S. border over the past 25 years.
Celebrities show support for wildlife conservation at the U.S. Ivory Crush.
Before sunrise crews began loading ivory which FWS seized during undercover investigations of organized smuggling operations or confiscating at the U.S. border over the past 25 years.
Before sunrise crews began loading ivory which FWS seized during undercover investigations of organized smuggling operations or confiscating at the U.S. border over the past 25 years.
Elephant experts and representatives from several non-government organizations gather before the start of the U.S. ivory crush.
Before sunrise crews began loading ivory which FWS seized during undercover investigations of organized smuggling operations or confiscating at the U.S. border over the past 25 years.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe hopes this effort will raise awareness on elephant poaching and help to ensure the survival of this iconic species.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) constructing scaffolding which will display a life sized herd of elephants.
The News Media Gathers to Watch the Crush
Before sunrise crews began loading ivory which FWS seized during undercover investigations of organized smuggling operations or confiscating at the U.S. border over the past 25 years.
Guest speakers prepare to load ivory into the crusher.
Tent setup next to crusher.
Crushing continues
Guest speakers prepare to load ivory into the crusher
Before sunrise crews began loading ivory which FWS seized during undercover investigations of organized smuggling operations or confiscating at the U.S. border over the past 25 years.
Crushing continued until dusk
The wall begins
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