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Most Popular Uscapitol Public Domain Files:

Results: 1 - 30 of 174 total results
Signing of the Constitution
Declaration of Independence
Capitol Reflecting Pool
Construction of the U.S. Capitol Dome
The U.S. Capitol Rotunda
U.S. Capitol at Night
Boston Tea Party
The U.S. Capitol Dome
Colonization of New England
Apotheosis of Washington: Marine
Presidential Inauguration
Car of History Clock
Declaration of Independence
Discovery of Gold in California
Louisiana Purchase, 1803
The U.S. Capitol - Circa 1830
U.S. Capitol Dome
Fourth of July at the U.S. Capitol
Capitol Steps
Apotheosis of Washington: War
Progress of Civilization - Senate Pediment
Landing of Columbus
The United States Capitol Dome
Apotheosis of Washington
Apotheosis of Washington: Science
Snowfall in Washington, D.C. - 2010
Pony Express
Pizarro Going to Peru
1874 Plan for the U.S. Capitol Grounds by Frederick Law Olmsted
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