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Results: 1 - 30 of 83 total results
U.S., Japan, South Korea Trilateral Meeting During UN General Assembly
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Cambodia Foreign Minister
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Panamanian President
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Georgian President
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Hosts Transatlantic Dinner With EU and NATO Foreign Ministers
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Holds Women Heads of State and Foreign Ministers Luncheon
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Czech Republic Foreign Minister
Secretary Clinton Holds a Bilateral Meeting With EU High Representative Ashton
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Japanese Foreign Minister
UNGA 2009: State Hillary Rodham Clinton Participates in a Trilateral Strategic Dialogue With Australia and Japan
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Cambodia Foreign Minister
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Kazakhstani Foreign Minister
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Tajikistan President
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Cambodia Foreign Minister
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Czech Republic Foreign Minister
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Tajikistan President
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Afghan Foreign Minister
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Afghan Foreign Minister
Secretary Clinton Holds a Bilateral Meeting With Israeli Defense Minister Barak
Secretary Clinton Hosts G8 Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in Transition Foreign Ministers Meeting
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Pakistani President
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With EU High Representative
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Pacific Island Leaders
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Georgian President
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Tajikistan President
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Turkmenistan President
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Afghan Foreign Minister
UNGA 2009: Secretary Clinton Meets With Armenian Foreign Minister
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