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Help my people get the meds needed to LIVE!! National HIV AIDS Strategy Invest money in finding A CURE!!!!
We are all FACING AIDS because it doesn't judge ANYONE... PROTECT YOURSELF.
We're Facing AIDS to help end stigma. We are supporting the National HIV/AIDS Strategy because together we can make a difference!
STOP the Spread of HIV! THINK! Take the Test! National HIV/AIDS Strategy.
We are FACING AIDS because it starts with us!
We Are Making the National HIV/AIDS Strategy REAL. Save ADAP, Save Lives, Fund the List NOW!
Making the National HIV/AIDS Strategy Real for WOMEN!
I am FACING AIDS because of the stigma in our communities.
I AM FACING AIDS because our lives begin to end the day we become silent about what matters-- Dr. Martin L. King Jr.
Radicalizemos la National HIV/AIDS Strategy AHORA!
The Rural AIDS Advisory Group FACING AIDS in 74 Rural Counties in OHIO.
I am supporting the National HIV/AIDS Strategy because together we can make a difference.
FACING AIDS prevention through hip-hop because it is education.
I am FACING AIDS for my 5 grandsons and 1 in the oven!
I'm FACING AIDS to make a difference in my community.
We are supporting the National HIV/AIDS Strategy because together we can make a difference.
Everyone Should Read the National HIV/AIDS Strategy because it's Important! Da National HIV/AIDS Strategy is Important because I Want a Future Without AIDS.
FACING AIDS is simply ovah! REACH LA supports the National HIV/AIDS Strategy 100%!
Yes, We Can, FACING AIDS. Do this.
We are making the National HIV/AIDS Strategy REAL
The National HIV/AIDS Strategy is ours to implement
I am FACING AIDS by practicing safe sex and educating my community about prevention!! I'm FACING AIDS by using protection! Period.
We are supporting the National HIV/AIDS Strategy because together we can make a difference. Gary   Larry
I'm FACING AIDS because I don't want to lose anyone else.
Yes, We Can, FACING AIDS. Do this.
We are making the National HIV/AIDS Strategy REAL
We are Making the National HIV/AIDS Strategy REAL
I am supporting the National HIV/AIDS Strategy because Together we can Make a Difference
FACING AIDS because AIDS is Facing ME!
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