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Most Popular Worldcup Public Domain Files:

Results: 61 - 90 of 116 total results
U.S. National Soccer Team Member Speaks With South African Students
South African Students Participate in U.S. National Socer Team's Open Practice Session
South African Students and U.S. Mission to South Africa Families Cheer on the U.S. National Soccer Team
U.S. National Soccer Team Members Signs His Autograph
Jonathan Specter Signs Autographs
Liz Berry Gips Interacts With Children
U.S. Men’s National Team Walks Off Field After Defeating Algeria
Ghanaian and American Fans Cheer
The U.S. Plays Ghana in World Cup Match
Ambassador Gips Awards Best-Dressed Fans
Dr. Jill Biden Interacts With Children
Dr. Jill Biden Helps Children With Their Coloring Skills
Dr. Jill Biden and Liz Berry Gips Visit Hector Pieterson Museum
Players and Fans Stand for National Anthems
A Brazilian Fan Shows His Pride
American Fans Smile for a Photo
Dr. Jill Biden Plays With South African Children
U.S. Embassy Pretoria Staff Fans Cheer on Their Team
Team Captain Carlos Bocanegra Takes Questions From Reporters
Dr. Jill Biden and Liz Berry Gips With Mapetla Staff and Children
Dr. Jill Biden and Liz Berry Gips Visit Hector Pieterson Museum
Dr. Jill Biden and Liz Berry Gips Visit Hector Pieterson Museum
South African Children Wait to Meet Dr. Jill Biden
Dr. Jill Biden Visits Hector Pieterson Museum
Dr. Jill Biden Visits Hector Pieterson Museum
Dr. Jill Biden Meets With Staff and Children
Red, White, and Blue Centerpieces Covered the Tables
Dr. Jill Biden and Liz Berry Gips With South African Students
Dr. Jill Biden and Liz Berry Gips Visit Hector Pieterson Museum
Fans Smile for a Photo
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