This is a 'Carolina pygmy' rattlesnake, Sistrurus miliaris miliaris, the most distinctly patterned, and variably colored subspecie of the py
This is a 'Carolina pygmy' rattlesnake, Sistrurus miliaris miliaris, the most distinctly patterned, and variably colored subspecie of the pygmy rattlesnake group, ranging from eastern North Carolina, southwestward through most of South Carolina, across central Georgia and Alabama, and into a small portion of east central Mississippi (Connant, 1975), placing it in hurricane-prone areas, which is of importance to those living in these regions, and first-responders offering aid to those affected by such a disaster. It inhabits the long needle pine-scrub oak, and pine flatwood areas along the Atlantic Coastal plain, and the pine-oak forests in the western aspect of its range (Connant, 1975). Its ground color is highly variable, and typically matches the dominant soil color in the locality from which they originated. Individuals originating from central North Carolina, certain areas in South Carolina and eastern Georgia often have an overall red or pinkish-orange ground color.
CDC/ Edward J. Wozniak D.V.M., Ph.D., John Willson at the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, (SREL)
Date Added:
October 31, 2012