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Public Domain Picture: This was one of five images (PHIL# 9139 - 9143), depicting two rotating, folding stadium seats: one in the 'open' position; one in the close

By: CDC/ Richard Duncan, MRP, Sr. Proj. Mngr, North Carolina State University, The Center for Universal Design (CUD), Courtesy: Public Health Image Library
Views: 501 | Downloads: 1
This was one of five images (PHIL# 9139 - 9143), depicting two rotating, folding stadium seats: one in the 'open' position; one in the close
Public Domain Mark
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This was one of five images (PHIL# 9139 - 9143), depicting two rotating, folding stadium seats: one in the 'open' position; one in the close
This was one of five images (PHIL# 9139 - 9143), depicting two rotating, folding stadium seats: one in the 'open' position; one in the closed position. These seats provided a unique level of flexibility for patrons of spectator events, where fixed seats were typically installed. Designed to provide the same range of seating options to people who use wheelchairs or scooters, they were able to be installed in either newly constructed or modified projects. The design combined two seat assemblies mounted and articulated from a single post. This flexibility allowed people using wheelchairs to sit with friends and family members, and therefore, feel integrated with the general public. A walking person could also use a seat, fold it up, or swing it to the side, and in this way, exit the row or aisle behind, while not disturbing the occupants of adjacent seats.
CDC/ Richard Duncan, MRP, Sr. Proj. Mngr, North Carolina State University, The Center for Universal Design (CUD)
Date Added:
November 3, 2012
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Size: 542 x 768
File size: 201.0 KB
File type: tif
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Size: 542 x 768
File size: 57.2 KB
File type: jpg
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The file available on this page is a work of the United States government. A work of the United States government, as defined by United States copyright law, is "a work prepared by an officer or employee of the U.S. government as part of that person's official duties." In general, under section 105 of the Copyright Act, such works are not entitled to domestic copyright protection under U.S. law.
Public Health Image Library

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Public Health Image Library
External Site: Public Health Image Library
Created by a Working Group at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the PHIL offers an organized, universal electronic gateway to CDC's pictures. They welcome public health professionals, the media, laboratory scientists, educators, students, and the worldwide public to use this m
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