This 1984 photograph depicted a wheelchair-bound man, who while crossing a roadway, had dropped his wallet, which he was attempting to pick
This 1984 photograph depicted a wheelchair-bound man, who while crossing a roadway, had dropped his wallet, which he was attempting to pick up, as well as its dislodged contents. This mobility-challenged man was seen experiencing much difficulty in the process, primarily because of the drop-off between the sidewalk, and the lower level of the roadway. Note that the wheelchair footrests had jammed against the asphalt road, while the rear wheels were still atop the walkway. Chances were, the man was jarred while negotiating the drop-off, and lost control of his belongings. This is why it's so important to take into account these types of scenarios involving the mobility-challenged when designing all publicly-accessible environmental elements such as walkways, and how they interface with busy, dangerous roadways.
CDC/ Richard Duncan, MRP, Sr. Proj. Mngr, North Carolina State University, The Center for Universal Design
Date Added:
November 3, 2012