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Public Domain Artwork: A colored portrait based on the Portrait of Kaneena, a chief of the Sandwich Islands in the North Pacific by John Webber. The actual spelling is Kanaina, and he was one of the two chiefs along with Palea (Pareea) who were the first to greet Captain James

By: after John Webber (1751–1793)   Description English painter Date of birth/death 1751 29 May 1793 Location of birth/death London London Authority control VIAF: 77167651 LCCN: nr97009605 GND: 121292576 BnF: cb162742129 ULAN: 5, Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
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A colored portrait based on the Portrait of Kaneena, a chief of the Sandwich Islands in the North Pacific by John Webber. The actual spelling is Kanaina, and he was one of the two chiefs along with Palea (Pareea) who were the first to greet Captain James
Public Domain Mark
This work, identified by, is free of known copyright restrictions.
A colored portrait based on the Portrait of Kaneena, a chief of the Sandwich Islands in the North Pacific by John Webber. The actual spelling is Kanaina, and he was one of the two chiefs along with Palea (Pareea) who were the first to greet Captain James
A colored portrait based on the Portrait of Kaneena, a chief of the Sandwich Islands in the North Pacific by John Webber. The actual spelling is Kanaina, and he was one of the two chiefs along with Palea (Pareea) who were the first to greet Captain James Cook at Kealakekua Bay. Described as fine as 'a figure as can be seen. He was about six feet high, had regular and expressive features, with lively dark eyes; his deportment was easy, firm, and graceful.' According to Abraham Fornander he is possibly the person who struck the fatal blow that ended James Cook's life; he called him Kalanimanokahoowaha. According to another source he was one of the chiefs that died in the fighting.
after John Webber (1751–1793)   Description English painter Date of birth/death 1751 29 May 1793 Location of birth/death London London Authority control VIAF: 77167651 LCCN: nr97009605 GND: 121292576 BnF: cb162742129 ULAN: 5
Date Added:
February 22, 2014
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Size: 334 x 499
File size: 54.5 KB
File type: jpg
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The file available on this page is an original work, or is a faithful photographic reproduction of a two-dimensional work of art. The work itself is in the public domain due to copyright expiration: Life of author plus 100 years. Once entering the public domain, the work may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, used, modified, built upon, or otherwise exploited by anyone for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and in any way, including by methods that have not yet been invented or conceived.
Wikimedia Commons

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