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Public Domain Clip Art Image: Rail tracks map Tōkaidō Main Line around JR-East Tsurumi Station in Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Japan. Reference material: Michitaka Tsuru & Yoshihiro Meguro, 'Introducing the major railway stations in Japan starting from Tokyo Station westwards. No.1', R

By: Tawashi2006 with pdv2svg, Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
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Rail tracks map Tōkaidō Main Line around JR-East Tsurumi Station in Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Japan.  Reference material:  Michitaka Tsuru & Yoshihiro Meguro, 'Introducing the major railway stations in Japan starting from Tokyo Station westwards. No.1', R
Public Domain Mark
This work, identified by, is free of known copyright restrictions.
Rail tracks map Tōkaidō Main Line around JR-East Tsurumi Station in Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Japan. Reference material: Michitaka Tsuru & Yoshihiro Meguro, 'Introducing the major railway stations in Japan starting from Tokyo Station westwards. No.1', R
Rail tracks map Tōkaidō Main Line around JR-East Tsurumi Station in Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Japan. Reference material: Michitaka Tsuru & Yoshihiro Meguro, 'Introducing the major railway stations in Japan starting from Tokyo Station westwards. No.1', RAILWAY JOURNAL CO.,LTD., 'RAILWAY JOURNAL' (Tetsudō Journal: Japanese Magazine), Vol.40-11 No.481, 2006-11., page 65. Masashi Takahashi, 'Tokyo SOTOKANJŌSEN Junction', DENKISHA KENKYUKAI, 'THE RAILWAY PICTORIAL'(Tetsudō Pictorial: Japanese Magazine) Vol.58-9 No.808, 2008-9, Page 47, Figure 1. 日本語: 横浜市鶴見区にあるJR東日本 鶴見駅周辺の東海道本線関連の鉄道配線略図(鶴見線分は省略) 参考文献: 鶴通孝 目黒義浩、「日本縦断各駅停車 東京から西へ 1」、鉄道ジャーナル社、『鉄道ジャーナル』、第40巻11号(通巻第481号) 2006年11月号、65頁。 高橋政士、「東京外環状線ジャンクション」、電気車研究会、『鉄道ピクトリアル』通巻第808号(第58巻第9号) 2008年9月号 、47頁、図-1。 凡例は駅配線図テンプレートを参照 Français : Plan de voies This vector image was created with a text editor. Its source code might contain additional information or higher level semantics of the topic.
Tawashi2006 with pdv2svg
Date Added:
February 22, 2014
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