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Public Domain Picture: Pakistan Children Television (PCTV)

Courtesy: US Agency for International Development
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Pakistan Children Television (PCTV)
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Pakistan Children Television (PCTV)
Lahore, October 5, 2011: Dr. Marilyn Wyatt, wife of U.S. Ambassador looks at a puppet of a new USAID-sponsored Pakistani children’s TV show Sim Sim Hamara that will be launched later this year. Sim Sim Hamara is a new Pakistani puppet show that has been designed under the USAID-funded four-year, $20-million Pakistan Children Television (PCTV) Project (puppet-based television programming) for Pakistani children. The show is scheduled to go on air in late December. This take-off on Sesame Street will provide joyful learning opportunities for children in the 4-9 year age group, with a focus on disadvantaged children, especially girls who do not have access to formal schooling. Educational curriculum will focus on language development, critical thinking, and cognitive processes. The program is expected to help alleviate the educational deficits of children without access to schooling and reflect messages of inclusion, mutual respect, and equal opportunity while developing basic literacy and numeracy skills. In addition to the television show, the USAID-funded project will include: radio programs for parents and other caregivers, live puppet shows, mobile video shows, a website with e-books, games, and children’s songs.
Date Added:
May 15, 2014
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Size: 403 x 570
File size: 132.9 KB
File type: jpg
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US Agency for International Development

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US Agency for International Development (Flickr Photostream)
External Site: US Agency for International Development
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