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Public Domain Picture: 20110617-NRCS-LSC-0265

Courtesy: US Department of Agriculture
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Congressman Sam Farr (standing dark suit) and U.S. Department of Agriculture Deputy Regional (Region 5) Forester Ron Ketter (standing tan suit) are recorded on video by USDA Videographer David Kosling (right) as they listened to a federal representative provides input to Bureau of Land Management's Sky Murphy (left) during the America’s Great Outdoors Initiative (AGO) Monterey Bay Pilot Area Focus Session in the City of Watsonville’s Civic Plaza in California, on Friday, June 17, 2011. Congressman Sam Farr, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Deputy Undersecretary for Natural Resources and Environment Ann Mills, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service State Conservationist Ed Burton, USDA Region 5 Deputy Regional Forester Ron Ketter, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Superintendent and representatives of other Federal resource management agencies came together to identify partnership opportunities and determine actions for natural resource protection and enhancement that achieve water quality protection and publicize voluntary stewardship in the watersheds that drain into the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. This area includes the counties of San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, San Benito, Monterey, and San Luis Obispo. Key questions identified existing multi-county or multi land use partnerships; what is not being done; possible partnerships - collective resources to maximize the benefits to natural resources and communities; and additional resources that organizations can bring to maximize AGO. President Barack Obama signed the initiative on April 16, 2010 to develop a 21st Century conservation and recreation agenda. USDA Photo by Lance Cheung.
Date Added:
May 16, 2014
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US Department of Agriculture

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US Department of Agriculture (Flickr Photostream)
External Site: US Department of Agriculture
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