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Public Domain Picture: Female University Students Complete Internship

Courtesy: US Agency for International Development
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Female University Students Complete Internship
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Female University Students Complete Internship
Kabul, Afghanistan | March 16, 2011 – In response to a demand for qualified Afghan engineers, Kabul University celebrated completion of an intensive five-month Mentor Protégé Training Program today by 10 female fourth year university students. The Training Program is a joint effort between the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Universities of Kabul, Kandahar, Alberoony in Kapisa, Shiekh Zayed in Khost. The graduation ceremony highlighted collaboration with these national institutions in building the technical skills of young Afghans, made possible by USAID. Four of the interns are engineers, while the remaining six are from the faculties of computer science, economics, and psychology. Speaking about the event, H.E. Minister of Public Works Abdul Qudus Hamidi said, “The future of Afghanistan lies in developing the skills of our youth, and the engineering skills of these graduates today represent a small but important step forward for the country.” Keynote speakers at the ceremony included H.E. Deputy Minister of Higher Education Abdul Rahim; USAID Senior Deputy Mission Director Robert Hellyer; and Chancellor of Kabul University Professor Hamidullah Amin. Approximately 150 people, including current and former students attended the graduation. Launched last year, the Mentor Protégé Training Program has provided qualifying students the opportunity to intern with USAID’s Strategic Provincial Roads-South and East Afghanistan project and gain practical experience in a real work environment. The goal of the program was to offer interns the opportunity to gain hands-on experience to reinforce their formal studies. A total of 30 students from four national universities have benefitted from this program. “The promotion of women’s rights is integrated into the overall U.S. Government development strategy and can be found in key programs, including education, healthcare, security, rule of law, political participation, agriculture, and economic development,” said Robert Hellyer. “The U.S. Government is committed to the Afghan leadership of programs that directly enhance development, particularly as it relates to women’s issues.” This event also highlighted the learning achievements of students and emphasized the importance of hands-on internship programs. The curriculum is designed to instill students with the knowledge and confidence to qualify for engineering positions upon completion of their fourth year at their respective universities.
Date Added:
June 3, 2014
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US Agency for International Development

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US Agency for International Development (Flickr Photostream)
External Site: US Agency for International Development
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