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Public Domain Picture: 404 016 001

Courtesy: US Department of Energy
Views: 494 | Downloads: 2
404 016 001
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404 016 001
INL researchers developed a long-lasting, high-capacity nanocomposite polymer particle engineered to remove arsenic concentrations from water rendering it safe to drink and compliant with the U.S. and world standards. INL nanotechnology researchers have engineered a revolutionary and affordable material called nano-composite arsenic sorbent (N-CAS), that is up to seven times more effective than the best material currently available. N-CAS contains high concentration of arsenic absorbing nano-particle metal oxides embedded in a strong composite polymer matrix. It is estimated that one gall of N-CAS can treat 350-400,000 gallons of water compared to 50,000 for the next best material today. It is also more affordable costing about ten cents per thousand gallons of water treated. In addition, it is high efficiency in removing arsenic rapidly, using high-flow systems and even in water with relatively low arsenic concentrations. For more information or additional images, please contact 202-586-5251.
Date Added:
June 3, 2014
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Size: 2400 x 1573
File size: 223.3 KB
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Size: 958 x 628
File size: 66.7 KB
File type: jpg
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US Department of Energy

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US Department of Energy (Flickr Photostream)
External Site: US Department of Energy
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