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Most Popular Cdc Public Domain Files:

Results: 151 - 180 of 1,329 total results
This historic 1963 photograph depicted a technicia
This historical photograph was provided by the Cen
This 1950s historical photograph was provided by t
Provided by the Center for Disease Control's (CDC)
This 1950s historical photograph was provided by t
Thought to be from the 1970s, this historic image
This 1950s historical photograph was provided by t
This 1970 photograph depicts librarian, Evelyne Co
This historical photograph was provided by the Cen
CDC Clinician, Joanne Cono, MD, is being interview
This historical image, which was provided by the C
Provided by the Center for Disease Control's (CDC)
Provided by the Center for Disease Control's (CDC)
This historic image was provided by the Center for
Published in the 'Public Health Bulletin', No. 262
Published in the 'Public Health Bulletin', No. 262
This 2004 photograph showed Division of Creative S
In this 2008 photograph depicted former Centers fo
This historic image, provided by the Center for Di
This SEM depicts a P. mirabilis (ATCC 29906) biofi
This historic image, provided by the Center for Di
This 2006 photograph depicted a female Aedes aegyp
This image was captured on one of the Centers for
This historical photograph, provided by the Center
Having finished the ingestion of her blood meal, t
Under a low magnification of 42x, this 2007 scanni
This is the Osborne 1, a 'laptop' computer first u
This 1975 image depicted World Health Organization
This was Joseph E. McDade, Ph.D., CDC epidemiologi
An oblique view of Centers for Disease Control and
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