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Architect of the Capitol

Architect of the Capitol

1,744 Public Domain files available
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Showing files from Architect of the Capitol only
Results: 1 - 30 of 1,744 total results
Signing of the Constitution
Supreme Court Following Facade Restoration
Declaration of Independence
U.S. Capitol Building
Declaration of Independence Plaque
Columbus Doors
Capitol Reflecting Pool
House Chamber
U.S. Supreme Court Building
The Mayflower Compact, 1620
The First Federal Congress, 1789
Construction of the U.S. Capitol Dome
Springtime on the Capitol Grounds
Theodore Roosevelt, circa 1904
Boston Massacre, 1770
The U.S. Capitol Rotunda
U.S. Capitol at Night
Boston Tea Party
Civil Rights Bill Passes, 1866
Boone at Cumberland Gap
President's Room
Golden Spike
Benjamin Franklin
The U.S. Capitol Dome
Colonization of New England
Lincoln's Second Inaugural, 1865
Apotheosis of Washington: Marine
The Constitutional Convention, 1787
Justice and History Sculpture
Presidential Inauguration
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