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Public Health Image Library

10,836 Public Domain files available
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Showing files from Public Health Image Library only
Results: 91 - 120 of 10,836 total results
This image depicts a female clinician in the proce
This image depicts a grouping of healthy fruits an
This 2000 photograph, provided by Chris Zahniser,
This photomicrograph depicts a Treponema pallidum
This image depicts a mixed drink and beer still li
This illustration depicts a dorsal view of a Culex
This 2000 image of the Taj Mahal monument in Agra,
This image depicts a group of healthcare workers s
This 2007 photograph depicts the pathognomonic ery
This 2000 image depicted family members from the r
Connie Alfred (left), of the National Center for I
This 1997 image was one of three (see PHIL# 9263 -
While being held on his mother's lap, this infant
The young child pictured here in this 2000 photogr
This photograph, taken in 2000, depicted a gatheri
Nurse giving an injection
This historic diagram, which had been digitally en
A man using a laptop
This image depicts a healthcare provider donning a
This 1963 poster featured CDC's national symbol of
This image depicts a state-appointed public health
This 2006 image depicted a female Aedes aegypti mo
This 2006 image depicted an adolescent female in t
Nurse and immunization patient
This image, which depicted a beautiful sunset glis
This 2000 image depicted two Indian children who w
Depicted in this historic image was one of the Car
The 3-year old boy shown in this 2006 image, as we
This 2007 photograph depicts CDC Guest Researcher,
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