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Results: 1 - 30 of 742 total results
Gold Plated Regular Font
Wooden sign
Here we have a platter of fresh vegetable, and a l
Le Nébuleux étalant ses parures, plate no. 16, from 'Histoire naturelle des Oiseaux de paradis et des Rolliers', published by Jacques Barraband and François Levaillant (original illustration in watercolor)
This white ceramic plate had been topped with a he
Here, two young children were at a dining table, u
Fusarium verticillioides fungus
Party Hat
plate of food
This image depicts a delicious-looking black-eyed
Here a Sabouraud's dextrose agar plate has culture
Gentle giants of the sea
Petri dish
This image depicts a close view of a serving of Pa
This white ceramic plate had been topped with some
Fast Food, Dishes Plate
This 1977 photograph depicted a Petri dish with St
Free Soup For the Revolution
This image depicts a plate of macaroni and cheese.
This image shows a Sabouraud's dextrose agar plate
Woman serving food
Architetto -- Come si dispongono le posate
Here, two young children were at a dining table, u
This image depicts a mother and her two young chil
The carrots on this plate are an excellent source
Spaghetti bolognese
Cup of coffee
Yggdrassil Book Plate
After 24 hours, this inoculated XLD agar culture p
This image depicts a young woman serving herself f
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