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Results: 91 - 120 of 1,776 total results
Woman Agent
Provided by the Center for Disease Control's (CDC)
This historical 1953 photograph was provided by th
Dead Turkey and Couple
Robin Olds
  Image title: A close up shot of a palm tree trunk texture Image from Public domain images website,
Holocaust survivor shares her mother's story
Bull Trout
Provided by the Center for Disease Control's (CDC)
Talent showcase
Old camera
Trash Can
Korean War
Gophers ground Falcons season during third period rally
Multitouch - scroll
Night heron
Family of geese out for a swim
In your face!
Closeup shot of butterfly and Gilia (Ipomopsis) capitata.
Teenage photographer
Bird of prey landing
A photograph of the CDC, Building 1, Clifton Road,
Medium shot of Madrone, Arbutus menziesii.
Closeup shot of Camasia quamash.
Closeup shot of Collinsia grandiflora.
This historic image, provided by the Center for Di
Battle of Lexington
Shot in the 1950s, this image depicted a restauran
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