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Results: 1 - 30 of 2,267 total results
Flower of Life Symbol
A young girl playing on the beach
Blank T-Shirt
Rose Window - Notre Dame
Pigeons on wires
Number Animals
Here, CDC employee, Terry Giles (left), was shown
Young girl opening a door
Special Edition Newspaper Frame
Hunab Ku
Shakespeare - Face
This illustration reveals the morphologic differen
This image showed Robyn Morgan, of the National Ce
This 2005 photograph, taken at a CDC blood pressur
This image depicts a female clinician in the proce
Music notes. Notas musicales
This photograph, taken in 2000, depicted a gatheri
This historic diagram, which had been digitally en
Depicted in this historic image was one of the Car
The 3-year old boy shown in this 2006 image, as we
This historic diagram, which had been digitally en
This image, as well as PHIL# 9014, and 9016, all d
Capitol Reflecting Pool
This 2000 photograph depicted a gathering of both
In this 1996 image, a wheelchair-seated woman was
Screaming Eagle
This photograph, taken in 2000, depicted three sea
This was one of the beautiful flower gardens that
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