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Public Domain TV Show: Sherlock Holmes (1954) Season: 1 Episode: 1

Courtesy: Benjamin Miller
Views: 3,980 | Downloads: 96
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Sherlock Holmes (1954) Season: 1 Episode: 1
Episode Title:
The Case of the Cunningham Heritage
After his return from Afghanistan, Dr. Watson meets Sherlock Holmes and is recruited as his assistant. Together they investigate a murder, with a young lady as the prime suspect. Holmes finds the real murderer and learns his motive.
Benjamin Miller
Benjamin Miller
Date Added:
April 13, 2014
Download: Video
Size: 720 x 480
File size: 335.1 MB
File type: mp4

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Copyright Expired: Copyright Not Renewed
The file available on this page is an original work, or is a faithful photographic reproduction of a two-dimensional work of art. The work itself is in the public domain due to copyright expiration: Copyright Not Renewed. Under United States copyright law, works published in the United States between 1 January 1923 and 31 December 1963 only had a "first term" of copyright of 28 years. However, they were eligible for an additional "renewal term" if a renewal was filed in the 28th year of the first term. If the renewal was not filed, these works entered the public domain. Once entering the public domain, the work may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, used, modified, built upon, or otherwise exploited by anyone for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and in any way, including by methods that have not yet been invented or conceived.
Benjamin Miller

Where is this TV show from?

Benjamin Miller
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The file available on this page in the Public Domain. Files in the public domain have no restrictions on use and may be used for any purpose, without any conditions, commercial or not, unless such conditions are required by law.
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